Sunday, May 10, 2015

Ajarn Pakong - Khun Paen && Salika

Ajarn Pakong ~ BE2557 Dancing Khun Paen (Dancing Love Salika Maha Seneh.

100% Mainstream and non-barang. Extensive pure wiccha chanting method used. Proven effective from many believers.

Rent @ $88
Interested please whatsapp 8two2two8seven0three

The 74yrs old ac pakong is the direct disciple of the legendly Puvon has inherit all ac Puvon famous magic of loving kindness,charisma,opposite sex attraction,sales improving,luck and wealth enhancing.There are also lots of good feedback from friends all over the world who has worn his items.Ac pakong had made his popular mont seneh tarkut,wealth and convicing power salika,and charisma khun pean n other powerful items.

Strongfully blessed by Archan Pakong with his supreme wicha learnt from his late master Ac Puvon. Widespread fame and proven results feedbacked from both masters for their powerful and effective amulets for Maha Saneh attraction and Salika convincing power Amulets. Excellent for dedicated purpose of Maha Saneh charming attraction, supreme charisma and Metta loving kindness.

Amulet Code : 103
Monk: Ajarn Pakong
House: pinklao bangkok
Special: Batch 2557. Dancing Khun Paen. Strongly blessed by AJ Pakong in year BE2557.

Effect: This kind of amulet will make you more attractive and charming, improve your luck in business, sales, and make you more wealthy. Dissolving disharmony and discord between people. Grant wishes and helps you to achieve your aims.

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